Jan Lee
2 min readJan 2, 2021

Reflecting on 2020, it’s been a really challenging year in many ways. I’ve felt depressed, lonely, angry, lost, and that’s not to say that I still don’t. But on the other hand, being in quarantine has allowed me to enjoy a slower pace of life and devote some of my free time to self improvement and reflection. And with that, come these New Year resolutions.


  1. Be more assertive at work. My opinions matter and I deserve the opportunity to voice them.
  2. Focus on my current role. There are a plethora of opportunities out there, but it’s better to move up one step at a time.
  3. Expand my network and build my social capital.
  4. Make a tentative plan for business school applications.
  5. Don’t solely seek the monetary benefits of work — be intentional about discovering my passion and purpose.


  1. Be nicer to my family and don’t take them for granted.
  2. Same with Kevin.
  3. Read more.
  4. Exercise! Stop being lazy.
  5. Listen better and make people feel valued and important.
  6. Stop looking for things to nitpick about people. Give others the benefit of the doubt.
  7. Don’t take things so personally. One unanswered text doesn’t define the quality of my friendships.
  8. Don’t care so much about what other people think.
  9. Learn to say no.


Honestly this section feels weird to write because my relationship with God has almost been nonexistent this year. Small group has been my one saving grace, but even that I haven’t been going to consistently. Be more intentional about my faith.

  1. Read snippets of the bible each day (or if that’s too ambitious, at least once or twice a week).
  2. Pray consistently. Don’t underestimate the power of prayer.
  3. Trust in God’s plan!

